Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day seventeen

Today was one of the most productive days I have had during my senior project.  I stayed at the McKue’s house last night working on my cookbook with Deb and when I woke when right to work.  I worked in Pages from 8:30 AM to about 2:00 PM.  There was a lot to get to say the least.  I had to input all twenty of my recipes in to program and format them all to look the same.  I also had to import all 20 pictures and coordinate witch ones went with each recipe.  Also, I had to create my front and back cover and put the whole book in order.  After I was done working in Pages, Deb and I proofread the entire cookbook and printed out a mock-up to chow to the people that worked at Flash Photo.  This is because they are the ones that will be binding my cookbook and I really wanted them to know exactly how I wanted the cookbook to look.   When we were all done checking over the cookbook we went to Flash Photo in New London to drop on the mock copy and talked to the people there about printing the copies.  I left the store in good spirits feeling that my cookbook was in good hands.  The assured me that the book would be done by tomorrow and I ended the day feeling extremely happy.  

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