Tuesday, May 13th
Today was a magical day. Last week I had promised Patty that I would bring in some tasty treat for the last advisory of the year and was not going to break a promise with P Pond. I woke up on the later side around 9:00 AM and had to get right to work. I had planed out the menu for advisory last night and had gotten all of the essentials. I made it simple, nothing complicated. I was going to make scrambled eggs, cheesy biscuits, and bacon. I was a little rushed, with only an hour to get everything done, but had to make it work. Everything was going well, the biscuits were done, and scrambled eggs were almost there, when I started to smell something burning…I forgot about the bacon. Feeling like an idiot I took out the blackened bacon and by that time it was 10:15 AM. I packed everything up, including the burnt bacon and was off to advisory. When I got there I didn’t matter, the crew loved the prepared breakfast and odd enough even enjoyed the bacon. The highlight of the gathering was when Patty presented me with an early graduation present. A hand crafted New West Knife Works chef knife. I was in awe; it was one of the coolest knives I had ever seen.
After this I plane don cooing the ribs that I had been marinating overnight, but thought I would be rushed and save the task for tonight.
After practice I hurried back to the dorm, exited to cook the ribs. I quickly took them out of the refrigerator, put them in a heavy-duty alumni pan, covered them with foil and baked them for an hour and a half. I quickly grilled them for about five minutes on each side after, lathering them with BBQ sauce. Ben, Brooks, and my mouths were all water I we watched myself cut into them divisor bones. The table was already set, and the ribs were accompanied with mashed potatoes and grilled onions. We all raise a rib and said cheers as we dove into the ribs we had been waiting for. It was magical. Each bite was packed with so many flavors. The room went silent and our faces and hand got extremely messy, but we loved it. It was a real “man’s meal” we kept on saying as devoured the meal with out hand, we gave up on the forks after the first minute. After the ribs were gone, we all had smiles the reached from one end of our face to the other. We all agreed they were some of best ribs we ever had.
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