Sunday, May 25, 2008

Week Three Reflection

What a week it has been.  For the past seven days I have been working so hard to complete the cookbook.  The only thing I have been doing lately is working on my cookbook and it feels like senior project has taken over me. 

Earlier in the week, Monday and Tuesday, I devote myself and my time to write up all twenty of the recipes that I choose to put in my cookbook.  Even though I took good notes when ever I cooked, this took a while and I was able to get about ten recipes each day.  When I was finished I worked with Lathy editing each recipe and functioning with here to get her advice on what I needed to change. 

            Wednesday I met with Deb McKew who helps me create a template to use in Pages and layout my cookbook how I planed to create it.  During this time many little details were taken care such as pages size and layout, fonts, titles, and choice in pictures.  This set me up to work extremely hard on Thursday, typing in all the recipes and basically putting the cookbook as a whole together.  I finished in the late afternoon and we made a mock-up of the book to give to the printers and Flash Photo.  I could tell already the it was going to look great.  Ahead of schedule I drop the mock-up off in New London on Thursday and was assured that it would be don by the weekend.  I felt great that I was finished working on the cookbook and my part of it was over.  Friday I really had nothing to do for the book, so I spent my time writing my self-evaluation and preparing for my review on Monday.  This weekend I picked up my copies of the cookbook, which might I say look very professional, and cooking all of Sunday for the review and open house on Tuesday.

            It is crazy to think that senior project is over, but as I look back on cant believe how great of an experience it was.