Friday, May 23, 2008

Day eighteen

Friday, May 23

Today was the last official day of my senior project.  I spent most of my time today working on writing my self-evaluation.  This was pretty self-explanatory; all I had to do basically was answer about eight questions based on the time I spent prior to and on senior project.  I talked about my goals and how I attempted to achieve them.  I gave an explanation why I could achieve one goal of men.  I talked about the benefit derived from my experience as well as some negative aspects of it.  I talked about specific skills and procedures I learned.  I tiled about personal qualities I developed and discovered about you.  I talked about people I found exceptionally helpful in making my Project a success.  I lastly talked about if I were to do your Senior Project over again, what I would differently.  The self-evaluation came out well and was good because during writing it prepared myself for my review on Monday.

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